The importance of PID 1 in containers

The Docker platform leverages Docker containers to enable IT operations teams and Developer teams to build, ship and run any application, anywhere. (from

I’ve been working with Docker for 3 years now and seen some cases where an image has to perform some steps before booting the application(s). It’s usual to see that done with a bash script that doesn’t launch the application preceded by an exec command. Let me explain:

– Create a start bash script that check if the file /foo  exists, print a message about it and simulates an application with netcat:


if [[ -f /foo ]]
        echo 'File found'
        echo 'File not found!'

nc -l 4000 -k

– Create a Dockerfile that will add the start script and launch it:

FROM alpine

ADD start /start
RUN chmod +x /start

CMD ./start

– Build, run and test it:

$ docker build -t test-pid .
$ docker run -it -d --name t-pid test-pid
# Now let's run a shell to access the container:
$ docker exec -it t-pid sh
/ # ps
   1 root 0:00 /bin/sh -c ./start
   5 root 0:00 {start} /bin/sh ./start
   6 root 0:00 nc -l 4000 -k
   7 root 0:00 sh
  11 root 0:00 ps

You’ve noticed that start script is the one that has PID 1 and that’s bad! Why is it bad? Because start script can’t leverage signals, for example: SIGTERM (docker stop) !

$ # Stop the container
$ docker stop t-pid && docker rm t-pid
$ # You will notice that it will take 
$ # 10 seconds to stop:
$ # That's the default timeout for docker stop.
$ # If the container wasn't able to deal with the SIGTERM, the force kill it.

– Change the above Dockerfile  and start  script to:

FROM alpine

ADD start /start
RUN chmod +x /start

CMD exec ./start

if [[ -f /foo ]]
        echo 'File found'
        echo 'File not found!'

exec nc -l 4000 -k

– Build, run and test it:

$ docker build -t test-pid-ok .
$ docker run -it -d --name t-pid test-pid-ok
# Now let's run a shell to access the container:
$ docker exec -it t-pid sh
/ # ps
    1 root       0:00 nc -l 4000 -k
    5 root       0:00 sh
    9 root       0:00 ps
/ # # Yay!!
/ # exit
$ # Stop the container and see that it stops immediately!
$ docker stop t-pid && docker rm t-pid 

You can read more about it here , here and here.

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